Multi-Cloud Service Orchestration & Delivery Platform

Tagend-to-end business management

All You Need to Know about the New Microsoft Partner Agreement for CSP partners


The latest Microsoft Partner Agreement is the talk of the town. Guess CSPs all over the world are eager to know what Microsoft has mentioned this time. The latest obligations have to be accepted by all organizations under the CSP program no later than January 31st, 2020 to stay onboard with the Microsoft CSP program. Microsoft has proposed the agreement based on a few valid reasons like...

An insight into Microsoft Teams Security for better cloud security


Security and Compliance of all cloud-based products and applications have always been a concern from the beginning of cloud Era. Looking to the importance of cloud security, Security experts perform a detailed cloud security review of almost all latest technological advancements. Teams is great for Collaboration and Microsoft has put in good amount of effort for its security. The application is...

Multi-Cloud Service Orchestration & Delivery Platform

Connect with MachSol

MachSol is Microsoft Certified Partner and Microsoft Validated Vendor having years of experience in cloud automation industry.
