“Cloud or on-premises?” this is one question IT companies often find themselves asking at one point. Most of the time, they end up taking the smart solution – Going Hybrid.
Content management is the core of every business. There is a dire need to have a content management system through which the creation, sharing, collaboration and storage of content can be centralized. A full fledge content management system is required to manage the above mentioned functionalities. However, there is no point having a cloud service if it can’t be handled smartly. Most of the times Hybrid is a more feasible solution for business today because of the innumerable benefits like:
- Apps can be kept on-premises and when they are needed, they can be accessed from app launcher
- The sensitive data can reside on-premises and need not be sent up to the cloud for storage. It can later be searched through hybrid taxonomy and a unified search
- Content security is ensure by authenticating users accessing form different locations through a multi-factor authentication system
- Collaboration gets effective by using business to business sites through extranets.
SharePoint Online and SharePoint server (On Premises) fulfill the essence of going hybrid.
SharePoint Online vs SharePoint Server (On Premises)
With SharePoint Online, services are offered as a SaaS model. Disaster recovery is handled by Microsoft Data Centers. There are annual subscriptions and Pay as you go model. Customizations are limited. In case of SharePoint Server, the whole system resides within the corporate network. Going hybrid with SharePoint hybrid model gives you the best of both the worlds.
Recover Deleted Sites Collection in SharePoint Online
The Hybrid Model
With the hybrid SharePoint option, you need not get concerned for the scalability and security of systems; Microsoft takes care of that. Going hybrid combats Shadow IT making the environment securer. This way, the data and other content specific to business remains with you and is not sent to O365 (SP online). This is more important for companies who don’t want to share their data with a third party cloud providers due to its sensitive nature, or other legal terms. In such cases, Hybrid model is the solution. With its intelligent intranet and cool features of OneDrive, the collaboration and storage is not a problem anymore.
Hybrid federated search is a convenient way to implement, if multiple users are working in the same environment. The results are fetched from the index from the SharePoint Server and from the search index in Microsoft Office 365. The search Center displays search items in two different result blocks resulting in two different ranks being displayed to the user.
The MachSol way
MachPanel Automation Module for Microsoft SharePoint is the most trusted hosted solution on the cloud. The setup of infrastructure on premises is simplified by experts. There is no need to be concerned about the growth of the system as the business continues to grow. With MachPanel, your services to customers can never be down as it ensures maximum uptime. MachPanel SharePoint makes the hassle of cloud computing smooth and easy.